Our Core Values
We acknowledge that our society is built upon and supports injustice and oppression. These particularly affect the people who make up the Sanctuary community. We are often complicit in unjust systems, but we are committed to working towards what we understand to be God’s vision for our world.
We seek to maintain an open, humble posture that invites us to learn together and from one another and to support each other as we live - and struggle - in the tension between who we are and who we strive to be. Through the grace of God, we long for and work towards reconciliation and healing in all of our relationships.
We want each person who finds themselves at Sanctuary to be met with warmth, safety, and the sense of home that is rooted in being deeply known and accepted. Therefore, we aim to embrace and love all people in our community for who they are, not for who we think they ought to be.
We seek to walk alongside one another and share our lives, both giving and receiving care and valuing each person’s gifts. As we walk together in this way, we are given opportunities to honour and bear witness, both privately and publicly, to one another’s stories.
We believe that all people should be able to pursue wellness of body, soul and mind. No matter what someone’s journey, we desire to offer each person dignity in pursuing their understanding of a quality of life for themselves. As we do this, we long for individual and communal redemption and renewal.
We believe that we are each made in the image of a creative God. As such, we see creative expression as a fundamental human need and a quintessentially human act. Moreover, we recognize the importance of artistic expression as a means of giving a voice to members of our community whose voices are often silenced.
We believe that collective celebration is an important part of our lives together. We seek opportunities for creative, joyful and authentic expressions of our individual and communal uniqueness. In both profound and light-hearted ways, we celebrate the value and gifts of our community and our hope for future redemption.