Sanctuary is Hiring a Pastoral Director
Would you like to join our team? Click the link and apply to become our new Pastoral Director.
Let’s Eat Together
In the earliest days, before Sanctuary was established, there was just a small group of people making food together and sitting down to eat.
City of Refuge: Fall 2022
Here they are! Reflections, photos and highlights from the last few months of community life at Sanctuary.
We’re Hiring a New Kitchen Manager: is it You?
Interested in joining our team? Click on this post and read the details of what we’re looking for.
Simon Says, Hello!
We have a new E.D. in the house! We are pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Beck as Executive Director of Sanctuary.
Join Our Team
Interested in joining our team? Well, click on this link and take a peek at what we’re looking for!
“I’m a Renaissance Man”
In his experimental video “Frozen Music,” multidisciplinary artist Norman Graham reflects on life, humanity and art.
City of Refuge: Spring 2022
Read the latest news, memories, interviews and jokes! View 30 years of photos and more!
30 Year Teaser
Can’t wait for the next newsletter celebrating our 30th anniversary? Well, then look no further - here’s a post to whet your appetite!
Poetry is…
Our community is full of vibrant artists. Sarah is a wordsmith and poet and this is one of her poems that she has agreed to share. Enjoy!
Journeying Together
Covid-19 disrupted everything two years ago. Since then we haven’t had the chance to communally grieve our lost loved ones. Click on this post to read more.
Coffee with Caroline
We had a wonderful chat with Caroline, a member of our community who loves making art!
Two Are Better Than One
As I sit down to write this, there are 48 shelters with reported COVID outbreaks. Most of them are congregate settings, which means people have to make impossible decisions: stay inside and get COVID or venture out into freezing temperatures to live…
Can’t Explain
Nikki has been a part of our community for many years, and has talked openly about living outside. She has her own place now, and wrote a poem reflecting of where she is…